Monday 2 October 2017

WELCOME BACK , CLASS OF 2018 and 2019

Hi Everyone! Welcome to the English blog. My name is Arantxa Sánchez and I will be your teacher througout this year. To those of you who already started the journey with us, welcome back ;-), in case you are new at the school , make yourself at home.


As many of you already know, this is a resource blog and a class blog altogether. You will have to check for homework or task instructions in it. It can also be used to review grammar in the grammar section, improve your listening skills, etcetera.


The most important part in this blog project is YOU. Make comments, answer questions comment on your classmates posts; your contribution is priceless.
Pay attention to the different tags in every entry, IF IT SAYS HOMEWORK, you'll probably have to post a comment or prepare a task. Feel free to contribute even if it is not compulsory that time.


An easy way to be updated is to submit your e-mail. pay attention to the section on the right , where it says "follow by e-mail". You'll receive an e-mail notifying a new entry on or any other update.


Check out the new monthly section "Interesting Apps", the Final Task section, and comming soon   the new section from BBC "6 minutes English" among other upcomming novelties.

What do you say? Are you ready to start?