Here are all the Crime Stories written in 2ºA
Please read the compositions from your class (2ºA) and you can start voting just answering these three easy questions In your opinion ...
QUESTION 1: Which story did you enjoy the most?

b) The Message ( by Anna Farbotko and Marina Castilleja )
c) Daniel's Story (by Daniel del Castillo)
d) Red Dust Stain (by Marcia Barón and Mateo Joaquin)
e)The Darkness of Alley (by Houda Gourmat and Lidia Guerreiro)
f) History (By Mª Mar González and and Marina Caballero)
g)The Key of Oblivion ( By Nazaret Garrido and Daphne Vázquez))
QUESTION 2 : Which story do you consider the most original?
QUESTION 3: Which story has got a better writing?
Please ,vote your favourite stories until Thursday 20th. before 14.00 h. Post a comment answering the three questions