Sunday, 7 April 2019



So sooner or later I had to include a post on this subject. Everybody is talking about it, newspaper FrontPages are filled with reletively new terms " brexiteers", "leavers", "hard brexit", "soft brexit"... Prime Minister Theresa May's interventions on Parliament are shown almost every day on TV and I was wondering if you really knew what they are talking about. Do you?

So, here you are a nice and concise explanation. Watch the video, pay attention to the 13 terms they use and post the answers to the questions below on the comment section. You can also check @loveyourenglish_ related feed on Instagram. Have a wonderful week!!


1 What does "Brexit" mean?
2. What's the difference between the UK and Britain?
3. What was the result of the 2016 referendum?
4. How many types os brexit does the video identify?


1. What is a portmanteau Word? Why is Brexit an example of it?
2. Why is article 50 in the Lisbon Treaty important in this matter?
3. What phrase did Theresa May coin? What did she mean?
4.What British border represents a particulary controversial issue? Why?


  1. Ana Prieto Márquez 2ºA

    1. A portmanteau word is a combination of two words to make one word. Brexit is an example because "Brexit" is the combination of Britain and exit.

    2. That says that any member state can withdraw from the European Union. The article 50 was triggered by Britain when it had ist referendum in June 2016.

    3. Theresa May said: "Brexit means Brexit". It was her way of showing her determination and pledge to the British people, that she would indeed take Britain out of the EU.

    4. The border between Irland and Northern Ireland. Northern Irland is a part of the United Kingdom, and Irland is an independent country. There is many border between the two countries which is been open. When Britain leaves the EU, there will need to be a hard border to control the movement of people. It involves a security checks , police... Now this would be a huge problem if there was a hard border between thse two countries.

  2. Well done, Ana. Thank you for posting.

  3. 1. What is a portmanteau Word? Why is Brexit an example of it?
    A portmanteau word is made by the combination of two. Brexit is formed putting Britain and exit together.

    2. Why is article 50 in the Lisbon Treaty important in this matter?
    It is important because it says that any member state can withdraw from the European Union.

    3. What phrase did Theresa May coin? What did she mean?
    She said "Brexit means Brexit", wanting to point out her determination and pledge to the British people that she would undoubtedly take Britain out of the European Union.

    4. What British border represents a particulary controversial issue? Why?
    The one between Ireland and Northern Ireland, as Northern Irland is a part of the United Kingdom while Ireland is an independent country. By the moment, there is a 300 mile border open between the two countries, but when Britain leaves the EU, a there will need to be a hard border to control the movement of people and goods. It involves, of course, security checks , police, etc.
    So, that's why a hard border there, would mean a huge problem; however, an actual solution that is working temporarily well is the backstop (until an agreement is found)

    1. Well done Cecilia, a very complete answer indeed. Thank you for posting.

  4. Hi! I'm Carolina Villadóniga Díaz, from 2nd Bachillerato A and here my answers:

    1.- A portmanteu Word is a Word created by the combination of two different words. Brexit is a perfect example of it, because it is a Word created by the combination of "Britain" and "exit". Also, we can describe "Brexit" as the withdrawal from the United Kingdom from the European Union.

    2.- The article 50 in the Lisbon Treaty is very important in this matter because it allows any member state to Leave the EU. Now article 50 has been triggered by Britain when it had its Referedum in 2016.

    3.- The phrase that Theresa May, the Prime Minister, coined is "Brexit means Brexit". It was her way to show UK's people her promise that she will deliver Brexit.

    4.- The border that represents a particular and controversial issue is the border between Ireland and Notherm Ireland. Ireland is an independent country and North Ireland is a part of UK. Until now, they have not been problems with the borders: the people and the goods could have freedom to pass from one territory to another territory. But if UK leave the European Union will be necessary a hard border control, wich implies security, checks and police for control of the movements of people and goods. There would be a huge problem if there were a hard border for many historical and social reasons.

    1. Hi, Carolina! Thank you for posting a comment. Well done!

  5. Laura López Alza 2°A

    1. A word portmanteau is a combination of two words to form a word. Brexit is an example because it forms the word "Britain" and the word "exit".

    2. Article 50 is important because it says that any Member State can withdraw from the EU.

    3. Teresa May said this phrase: Bretix means Brexit. It was his way of demonstrating his determination and commitment to the British people, who would remove the British from the EU.

    4. The border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. For many historical and social reasons.

  6. Sandra Castaño González Nº5 2ºBach A

    1. A portmanteau word is two words combine to make one word. In this case Brexit is formed by the words Britain and exit.

    2. The article 50 is important because it is the clause that allows any member state to leave the European Union.

    3. Teresa May said "Brexit means Brexit". It was her way of showing her determination and pledge to the British people, that she would indeed take Britain out of the EU.

    4. The border between Irland and Northern Ireland. Northern Irland is a part of the United Kingdom, and Irland is an independent country. There is a 300 miles border between the two countries that’s been open for the last 20 years, thanks to the good Friday agreement. There are no checks, there are no police. Now that’s only able to exist, because both Ireland and Britain are in the EU. But when Britain leaves the EU, there will need to be a hard border to control the movement of people and goods. This involves security checks, police, etc. Now this would be a huge problem if there was a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.


    1. According Word Reference its a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others. The Brexit its a combination of Britain and Exit, they want to leave the European Unation

    2. Because article 50 said that any member of the EU cant leave it. So, in one point, UK its being contradictory.

    3 Theresa said: "Brexit means Brexit" . She means that she want to pledge to the british people for indeed take Britain out of the EU

    4. The principal issue is between Ireland and North Ireland. This last one is a part of the United Kingdom, and Ireland is an independent country. The border between these 2 places are practically free of police, checks... Its have being opened for 20 years. But if they leave the EU, that border it will be not the same. They will need to be a hard border control, more security... and also this is a problem because there are many historical and social reasons in that border.

  8. Fabian Bermudez Piscoche 2º-A
    1. It is a mix of two words with the intention of create a new one. Brexit is an example of it because combine the Words “Britain” and “exit”

    2.It is important because the article 50 says that any member state can withdraw from the EU, so this article was triggered by Britain in the referendum of 2016

    3.She said “Brexit means Brexit” and it was her way of showing her determination and as a promise to the people of the UK that she will deliver Brexit

    4.The british border of Ireland and Northern Ireland because Northern Ireland is part of the UK but Ireland is an independent country, after all, they have an open border between these countries thanks to the good Friday Agreement, so there are no checks, there are no police, it's completely open! but when UK leaves the EU, the border between these countries will need a hard border control so that involves security check, police and other security controls.
