Wednesday 25 November 2020



Hello dear Seniors!

I told you we would continue with November eventful days. In this case we are going to talk about the so well-known Black Friday💸. I know you know 😉; but how much do you really know about its origins ? Let's pay attention to this listening activity and find out about the coinage of the word and the origin of the custom.

Please watch the video and answer the following questions below.


Q1. What is the connection between Black Friday , Thanksgiving day and Christmas?

Q2. What day and what month did the first so-called Black Friday took place ? Was is related to Christmas shopping 🎄?

Q3. What is the earliest example of calling "Black Friday" to the day after Thanksgiving?


Q1 Where in the US do they start calling  the day after Thanksgiving Black Friday? Who started to do that?

Q2 What two problems did the Police have after Thanksgiving?

Q3 What spin off have retailers made of Thanksgiving?


Q1. Has the term Black Friday always been used to refer about shopping? Explain very briefly, please.

Q2. How did retailers try to rebrand the term " Black Friday"? Why didn't it succeed?

Q3. What is the mythical explanation about the use of "black"in the expression  that has been going on since the 80s? Please be brief.


  1. 1. No, one of the firsts use of "Black Friday" refers to the day after Thanksgiving, when workers didn't went to the factories and wanted that day off too.

    2. "Big Friday", because there were myths circulating about the origin story of the Black Friday.

    3. The myth tells that retail stores and companies that become profitable go in "the black".

    1. Thanks Miriam!
      Please check the sentence " didn't went". You did a good job understanding the video!

  2. Hi Arantxa! I'm Antonio Sánchez from 2ºC.
    There are my activities:
    Q1. Has the term Black Friday always been used to refer about shopping? Explain very briefly, please.
    The term Black Friday hasn´t always been used to refer about shopping. For example, initially, the people used that term to talk about the Thanksgiving, but it has nothing to do with shopping.

    Q2. How did retailers try to rebrand the term " Black Friday"? Why didn't it succeed?
    The retailers try to rebrand that term. For it, they try it as Big Friday (the color black has a negative symbology). However, they didn't it because there´s a very common myth that has been in circulation since the 1980s.

    Q3. What is the mythical explanation about the use of "black"in the expression that has been going on since the 80s? Please be brief.
    The mythical explanation is the negative symbology of the color black. The retailers thought that their companies and stores could go badly.

    Regards and kisses!

    1. Thanks Antonio!
      You really did a great job with the first two answers!I am not sure about the third one. I'll explain it in class to make sure everyone understood the question.
      Have a great week!

  3. Hello Arantxa, I’m Mónica Ferreiro from 2B
    Q1 Where in the US do they start calling the day after Thanksgiving Black Friday? Who started to do that?
    The first example that’s been found of the use of Black Friday for the day after Thanksgiving comes from a trade journal called Factory Management and Maintenance in 1951. Police in Philadelphia were referring to the days following Thanksgiving as Black Friday.

    Q2 What two problems did the Police have after Thanksgiving?
    They have to deal with foot traffic and car traffic.

    Q3 What spin off have retailers made of Thanksgiving?
    Others shopping days like Ciber Monday

  4. Hello Arantxa, I'm Pilar Martín (2nd C).

    Q1. No, at first the term was used to refer to negative events that happened on a Friday.

    Q2. They tried to call it "Big Friday" but it didn't catch on.

    Q3. The myth said that Black Friday actually refered to retail companies going in the black.

  5. Hi Arantxa, I'm Maria Pedro from 2ºC

    Q1 No, it wasn't always about shopping. At the beginning was a term used to refer to negative events that happened on a Friday.

    Q2 They tried to call it "Big Friday" because they didn't like the negative connotation of Black Friday. It didn't work because there was a myth circulating since 1980s.

    Q3 The myth tells that Black Friday actually refers to retail companies go in the black.

    See you tomorrow :)

    1. Hi María,
      Thanks for posting. Could you check Q2? It has nothing to do with the myth. It just did not catch on

  6. Alejandra Parada Gallardo 2 Bach C26 November 2020 at 22:12

    Hi Arantxa, I am Alejandra Parada Gallardo 2 Bach C.
    1. No, one of the firsts use of "Black Friday" refers to the day after Thanksgiving, when workers didn't went to the factories and wanted that day off too.
    2.They try it as Big Friday. But, they didn't it because there´s a very common myth that has been in circulation since the 1980s.
    3.The mythical explanation is the negative symbology of the color black.

  7. Hi Ale! Thanks for posting. Please review questions 2 and 3.
