Tuesday, 18 April 2017


A key 🔑, a woman with a hat, a message💬 and an old letter... these were the common elements...

Congratulations to all participants!! You really did a good job. We have seven wonderful short stories that move from detective stories to mystery tales. I hope you enjoyed them all.

Here are the written works from 2ºB class 

Please read the compositions from your class (2ºB) and you can start voting just answering these three easy questions In your opinion ...

QUESTION 1: Which story did you enjoy the most?

a) The Masked Man ( by Paula González, María Rosado and Elia Pastoriza)
b) The Hidden letter ( by Marcos Feliz , Marta Moya e Imma Morales )
c) Hidden in the Network (by Paula Perales and Gloria Sánchez)
d) The Mystery of the Legacy (by Sara Marquez and Gloria Rodríguez)
e)The case of Agent Jimeno (by MJ campón, María Jimeno and María Pintiado)
f) 20 years from now (By Alicia Martín and Alejandro Rodríguez)
g) Silent Murder ( By Patricia Miguel, Andrea Lineros and Celia Porras)

QUESTION 2 : Which story do you consider the most original?
QUESTION 3: Which story has got a better writing?

Please ,vote your favourite stories until Thursday 20th. before 14.00 h. Post a comment answering the three questions


  1. 1) Which story did you enjoy the most?
    -The Mystery of the Legacy
    2) Which story do you consider the most original?
    -The Mystery of the Legacy
    3) Which story has got a better writing?
    -The Hidden letter

  2. Wich story has got a better writting?
    -Silent murder
    Which story do you consider the most original?
    -Hidden in the network
    Which story did you enjoy the most?
    -Silent murder

  3. Which story did you enjoy the most? The Hidden letter (by Marcos Feliz, Marta Moya e Inma Morales)

    Which story do you consider the most original? The case of Agent Jimeno (by MJ campón, María Jimeno and María Pintiado)

    Which story has got a better writing? The Hidden letter (by Marcos Feliz, Marta Moya e Inma Morales)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Which story did you enjoy the most?
    - The Masked Man ( by Paula González, María Rosado and Elia Pastoriza)

    Which story do you consider the most original?
    - 20 years from now (By Alicia Martín and Alejandro Rodríguez)

    Which story has got a better writting?
    - Silent Murder ( By Patricia Miguel, Andrea Lineros and Celia Porras)

  6. Question 1: Masked Man.

    Question 2: The Hidden Letter.

    Question 3: The case of Agent Jimeno.

  7. 1) The hidden letter
    2) The mystery of the legacy
    3) Silent murder

  8. 1-Masked Man
    2-The Case of Agent Jimeno
    3-Silent Murder


  9. 1: ours (a)
    2:QUESTION 2 : Which story do you consider the most original?:e)The case of Agent Jimeno (by MJ campón, María Jimeno and María

    QUESTION 3: Which story has got a better writing? Silent Murder

    But the mistery of the legacy and the hidden letter are also interesting

  10. -QUESTION 1: Which story did you enjoy the most? The Mystery of the Legacy

    - QUESTION 2 : Which story do you consider the most original? the case of agent Jimeno

    -QUESTION 3: Which story has got a better writing? The hidden letter

  11. Question 1: Masked Man
    Question 2:The case of Agent Jimeno
    Question 3: Silent Murder

  12. 1) The Mystery of the Legacy
    2) Masked Man
    3) Silent Murder

    Pd: I'm surprised, most stories has liked me a lot! We're so creative :D


  13. (I'm MJ)

    1)The masked man
    2)Hidden in the network
    3)The hidden letter
