1. What is the connection between the tv classics on Christmas and the word cheese?
2. There are two typical british appetizers ( considered pastry) mentioned in the clip,
one is round and the other one is implicit in "you bring the pigs , and I bring the blankets... What are they?
3. Who do they refet to with " both the in-laws"?
4. The kid on a sheep costume mentions a particular speech on TV. Who gives it? In his opinion ,do they pay attention?
5. What Christmas rituals do you share with the ones presented on the commercial?
6. What typical British rituals or christmas traditions differ from yours?
Do you want to know more about the commercial? Read the article published on The Telegraph, It may come in handy for your next final task "TV Spot".😉
1. Mickey Mouse(?)
ReplyDelete2. mince pie and pig in a blanked that is like a sausage ""cover"" with pastry
3. Theirs mother-in-law and father-in-law
4. The Queen´s speech. No, he says that the baby scream over the speech (so, they don't listen the speech).
Thanks Rocio!!Check the term cheesy up and you'll see the answer to Q1. Good Job!
ReplyDelete2. One is pudin and nibbles and for the pig it is roasties and mince pie.
3.The mother-in-law and the father-in-law of each one. that is, the parents of the couple.
4.The speech that the queen gives each year, and that babies cry. He also talks about the mistletoes and kisses.
6.There are few differences because our culture is taking traits of his. but for example there is typical to eat chicken also to go through the houses singing Christmas carols etc ...
Andrea Domínguez Garrido 2B
2. The two typical British appetizers are minced meat pie and the other the pigs.
ReplyDelete4. The Queen speeches. No, the kid say that the baby screams over speeches by the queen.
5. I share that Christmas are the best time for showing off, for the family sing together and for saw festive movies.
6.The traditions that are more different is the type of food that we eat and they take Christmas as a very important date of the year.
Yolanda María Pazos Gómez, 2ºB
2.One of them is the Cottage pie( mince Pie ) and the other sausage rolls wrapped in puff pastry.
ReplyDelete4.The speeches of the queen. He does not pay attention, he says , baby screams over speeches by the queen.
5.In my family we see Christmas movies,we see the king's speech and we go crazy at the party celebrating drinking , to sleep on the sofa.
6.In my family we do not send Christmas cards and we do not read Christmas stories
Yedra Zamudio Valiente 2ºB
1. I think it's related to the typical Christmas movies shown on tv during that time, since they're pretty cheesy, often named ''a Christmas romance'' or ''falling in love with santa''
ReplyDelete3. Their mother and father-in-law, these ones are usually expected to not have much fun (maybe because a lack of family bonds?)
4. A speech given by the Queen, they don't pay much attention and some babies often cry, so it can barely be overheard.
5. We also hold a kind of ''party'' when it comes to Christmas, everybody brings homemade meals and we sing along to Christmas classics while laughing non-stop.
Carmen Nielsen 2ºA
2. Mince pie and meat pig
ReplyDelete3. Mother in-law and father in-law
4. The queen´s speech. No, he talk about baby screams over speech by the queen.
6. There are differents traditions, par example, in Spain, we eat chicken meat and soup in Chritsmas and we don´t send Christmas card. But, there are similitudes, par example, in my family, we sing in a karaoke. It´s very funny!