Tuesday 2 June 2020


Hi Everybody!
How was your long weekend? did you have the chance to go to the beach? Welcome to your first week in June! I have an interesting video for you about climate crisis and natural possibilities of fighting it.

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO AND THE EXERCISES. Before watching the video , do the task preparation to verify that you'll understand most of the vocabulary about climate change.

Pause the video as many times as you wish and take notes of vocabulary you need, re-play the difficult parts. Just work with the video material as you will and as you need.


Watch the video carefully, do TASK 1 AND TASK 2.☝ These tasks are important to practice your listening comprehension.

Answer to the following question in the blog. Write a short paragraph to answer the question ( use 6 to 8 lines). Create an original answer, show what you think, do not copy your classmates answers or the transcript from the video. Use a dictionary to check spelling, do not use a translator.

Question: Do you agree with Greta and George that natural climate solutions are needed? What can you do to make a difference?

Please, do not forget to write your name and group. Have fun! I hope you learn a lot from this activity. Go Juniors!💪


  1. Hello Arantxa, I'm María del Mar from 1ºA.
    I totally agree with the things that Greta and George talk about. Some important people, like the president of the United States, think that Climate Change is not real. But it's real, and we have to make a global solution to this problem. Everyone have to collaborate, because The Earth is our planet, our home, and we have to look after it.
    Everyone can help with little (and, of course, big) actions, such as: riding a bike instead a car, using public transport, recyclin, reusing tings, planting a tree and picking up the rubbish of the green places.

  2. Hi Maria del Mar!
    Thanks for your answer. You really have some interesting ideas. Please check my corrections.Everyone has* // instead of*// recycling.

  3. Hi Arantxa, Iam Maria Carrasco from 1º A.
    I am completely agree with what Greta and George say. Climate change is real and every day is going to get worse, but since the most important people in this world don't want to believe it, it's not taken seriously. Without realizing it is us destroying the planet, because although there are many people who help make this world better for everyone, there are other people who care about the world. To help this world improve we have to follow the rule of the three Rs: Recycle, Reuse and Reduce Excessive Consumption.

  4. Hello Arantxa! I'm Lucía Paisal from 1°B
    Yes! I agree with them. Nowadays almost everyone knows that we have to do something to stop this but a lot of people don't do anything, like politicians. They can do big actions but some of them say that there are more important things to do than fighting climate change.
    I think everyone can do little actions to make a big one. We all hear about recycling, using public transport, saving energy, etc. They are very easy to do and we'll be helping our home because nowadays we can't just move to another planet (and we would destroy it just like the Earth)

  5. Hello Arantxa!!
    I'm Mónica Ferreiro from 1ºA
    Yes, I agree with them. We are destroying our planet more and more and we all have to do something about it. Climate change exists and it's getting worse. Therefore, everyone must colaborate to protect our planet. Everyone can do something, even if it's little, like use public transport as much as possible, recycle, don't waste and reduce the consumption, save energy... If we all colaborates we can save our planets before it's too late.

  6. Árac Alfonso 1A
    Hello Arantxa, How are you?

    In my opinión everything they say is correct and true, I think that if everyone helps, we can create a good world in which the "magic machines" can help us live. Furthermore to have success we can collect street garbage and toxic waste, we can donate to companies that help nature, we can put things in factories so that smoke and toxic things don't come out and we can stop shooting fireworks and having barbecues

  7. Hello Arantxa, I'm Roberta Elvira from 1ºA.
    I totally agree with Greta and George, the world has to listen Greta and the people how want to change the world. A good solution can be recycling or do not buy things that have too much plastic wrap. When my parents go to buy food, they do not take fruit with plastic wrap for example. I recycling papers that I have already use and have blank spaces.
    Everyone can help with small act.

  8. Hello Arantxa, I’m Alexis Romero from 1ºB

    Of course, today we need many changes in our lives to prevent the destruction of Earth. Changing the way of life may not be the easiest thing to do, but this is how we can protect future generations and save a flourishing place to live for them. As for me, there are things I can do for it. For example even with a small decision it helps, so I can think more about the environment in my daily life, choosing to walk instead of using a car, separating garbage, etc.

  9. Hi Arantxa! I'm Valeria García from 1A.

    Yes, I agree with what they say, little by little we are killing the Earth, our home. Because of the great pollution that factories or large companies are generating, climate change is here. We must do something to stop this, even if they are small acts such as recycling, not buying so many things with plastic, using bicycles or public transport, etc. We also must not always trust what politicians like Trump, since he says that climate change doesn't exist, which is false and I am sure that there are people who believe these words.

  10. Hi Arantxa!! I´m Antonio Sánchez from 1ºA.

    The new vocabulary that I´ve learnt is:
    - Drill -> Simulacro
    - Break down -> Desmoronarse
    - Mangrove -> Manglar (tree with twisting roots)
    - Marsh -> Ciénaga, pantano
    - Fossil fuel -> Combustible fósil

    Do you agree with Greta and George that natural climate solutions are needed? What can you do to make a difference?
    Of course, obviously, I agree with them. The climate change is a problem that currently affects us all. Little by little we are destroying our planet and we must act. Everyone can do it and every contribution (even a little help) is important. To contribute, I can recycle, use public transportation, use the necessary water, avoid turning on the light when it is not needed, buy fewer plasticized products, or avoid using spray deodorant. If all of us help, we can save our planet. Every help counts, you mustn´t forget it.

    Regards! Kisses and I see you tomorrow 🙌

  11. Hi Aranxta,I'm María Candón from 1A.
    In my opinion, we are destroying the planet a little more every day, we are polluting a lot and we are destroying nature and that should stop, I agree with what Greta does, I think it is very good that she makes demonstrations.

  12. Hi! I am Lucia Contreras 1A

    I absolutely agree with them. In fact, i use a search engine that each person who dowloads it, someone plants a tree. I think That natural climate solutions are necesary to survive to the human race. We are destroying the planet and if we don't stop, we are going to be the last human's generation. A simple thing like a tree can save us. Maybe, you can think that if you do something, but if everyone make a litle act, we can do the diference. We can participate in climate organitations. Or just recycle and reuse things furthermore to starting to use organics produrs.

  13. Hi Maks,
    Thanks for posting. Remember we say "I agree", *I am agree* is a literal translation from Spanish (estoy de acuerdo), but we do not use the verb to be in the English expression.
    Have a great evening!

  14. Hello Arantxa! I m María Ortiz from 1ºA
    I completely agree with Greta and George. People need a change because they are not realizing that we are destroying the place where we live. We should use tips like using paper instead of plastic, even cardboard, recycling after all. Save water, consume the least amount of energy, use matches instead of lighters, water the lawn in the morning, plant trees...
    All those tips, and millions more, will help make the earth look much better and we can live longer in it.
    Climate change is one of the triggers that we humans have created. It destroys nature, but we deserve it.

  15. Alejandro Venegas Suárez. 1-B.

    Do you agree with Greta and George that natural climate solutions are needed?
    Yes, I totally agree with then. The earth planet is the only planet that we have to live in and we must to take care of it if we don't want something bad to our world and ourselves. If we destroy our planet, we won't have another planet where we could live our life. To change the world where we live in is something extreamly difficult, and it will be more if we don't take care of it now. It won't be possible if we keep on destroying our world.

    What can you do to make a difference?
    Me, you and everyone can do something even if the actions are small, it isn't the important point! The most important thing we can do is do something for our world. We can recycle, save energy... It is very easy to do and it even doesn't cost anything! We can save our planet and we looks like we don't want it.

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  20. cam 1ºA

    Yes, in my opinion climate change is a problem that affects everyone and changing it is in our hands, we have to recycle more, the planet is in danger and some people only look at the planet die, while others help to change the situation having a more ecological life by not shopping plasticized products, using public transportation, avoiding the use of deodorant spray, etc.

  21. Hi Arantxa, I don't know if you need us to tell you our marks but, just for the flies, mines are:
    • Task 1: 4/8
    • Task 2: 8/8

    And about the question you proposed, of course I totally agree with them. It mades me mad that the "big" and powerful people that control this don't do anything for the enviroment because they could lose some money, they prefer to be rich more than to be alive. I mean, what's the point of having that amount of money living in a destroyed planet? Do they even care about their kids? Yes, you can give your sons and daughter all the money they want, they could have their lives planned, they don't even have to worry about saving money for their future because, even if the world is literally ending, they'll have money.

    I feel like we can't do almost anything to help because when the people above us want to something and don't agree with us, they'll destroy all we could have done at that point. So, I think I'll keep saving water, electricity, reciclyng and respeting the enviroment, but I know that this isn't enough, we need to make some big moves, go outside and protest, prove things, enter the sistem and change it.

  22. Hello Arantxa! I´m Rocío Ruíz from 1*B

    In my opinion, I fully agree with Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot about the consequences of the irresponsible actions of human beings that are damaging the planet earth by causing climate change. Many countries could do their part and implement laws to try to reduce the consumption of vehicles, toxic gases and keep cities clean, because if we all do our part it will reduce the high levels of pollution we currently have in our cities, as well as prevent the extinction of animals, and to be able to breathe clean air and that we can all consume clean water.
