Thursday, 23 April 2020

1B answer key and questions 23rd. April

Hello Everybody!

Here is the ANSWER KEY  to correct yesterday's reading exercises. Search for UNIT 5 READING B. Then post a comment with your results and answer the following questions on vocabulary.

You are going to pick a question (1), and post the answer. You cannot choose a question that has already been answered, so read your classmates' responses first. Do not forget to mention your results and the number of  the question, so everyone can see what questions are left.
The sooner you answer, the more possibilities you have to answer a question you like. All the questions are referring to the text, "The App Gold Rush", just in case you prefer to look at it again before you answer your question.( remember , only ONE)

1. What is the meaning of " pay bills"? Do you pay any?
2. Why does the author mention " Unless you are living in an Amazonian Cave..."?
3.What is the meaning of "book tickets"? Have you ever done that?
4. What is the meaning of "messaging service"? Which one do you usually use?
5. What is the meaning of "worldwide"? Can you think of a synonym in English?
6. What translation has traditionally been given to the term " Gold Rush" in Spanish? What would be the literal translation of it?
7. What is the meaning of "hit the headlines"?
8. Can you use the word " plenty " in a sentence?
9. Could you explain the phrase " within 6 years"? Can you give a translation for that?
10. What is the meaning of "fake", can you use it in a sentence?
11.What is the meaning of "savings", can you use it in a sentence?
12. What is the meaning of "slicing", give examples of food that you can "slice"?
13. What is the meaning of "unlikely", can you use it in a sentence?
14. Give a translation of " Like everything else..." and use it in an original sentence.
15. What is the meaning of " even" in " you can even get an app...". Can you use it in a sentence that is true for you?
16. What is the meaning of "whole" in "a whole new generation.". Can you use it in a sentence that is true for you?
17. How would you translate " Back in 1848"? Is there any other meaning of "back" that you know?
18. What is the meaning of " more or less"? Can you use it in a sentence that is true for you?


  1. Hi Arantxa, I am Gonzalo Sanchís and my mark is 14/20

    Question 1: Pay bills is like pay the price of a ticket and I don´t pay bills

  2. Hi Gonzalo! Ha, Ha, Ha, lucky you.
    Thanks for your comment.

  3. Hi Arantxa, I´m Rocío Ruíz and my mark is 15/20

    3.What is the meaning of "book tickets"? Have you ever done that?
    - "Book ticket": Reservar entrradas - Reservar billetes
    - Yes, book the tickets for the pure Latin concert fest in Seville.

    1. Well done , Rocio!
      Keep on working like that!

  4. Hi Arantxa!
    I’m Alexis Romero from 1ºB and my mark is 12/20 (veo que algo he mejorado)

    10. What is the meaning of "fake", can you use it in a sentence?

    Fake: Falso/ algo que no corresponde con la realidad o la verdad-that does not correspond to reality or truth


    Experts revealed that the painting was a fake

    1. Thank you, Alexis!
      Yes you are getting better and better!You can read texts in English, understand instructions of an exercise...Well done!

  5. Hi Arantxa! I'm Pablo Torres. My mark is 11/20,because I didn't understand the first question.

    Worldwide is extending or reaching throughout the world. Is like global

    1. Thank you, Pablo. No worries. It's just an exercise.
      Worldwide is also similar to " Internationally".

  6. Hi Arantxa! My mark is 19/20.

    17. How would you translate " Back in 1848"? Is there any other meaning of "back" that you know?

    "Back in 1848" could translated as "Allá por 1864". Back can also mean "de vuelta" (returning), "retroceder" (move backward), "reverso" (reverse side), or "espalda" (Body: spine).

  7. Hi Arantxa, I hope you're fine.
    My mark is 18/20.

    Question 18. What's the meaning of "more or less"? Can you use it in a sentence that is true for you?
    More or less means "más o menos" un spanish. It's a expresion to comunicate that you're half agree with something, half did something...
    For example:
    +Do you understand the lesson?
    - More or less
    You mean you understand some of the lesson but still don't get the whole of it. You can also say "kind of" un some cases

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. *in Spanish* *in some cases*
      Sorry about that again, the spanish keyboard doing his thing.

    3. Well done, Paula!
      Thanks for posting. You explained it quite well. Congrats!

  8. Lucía Yuan Infante Robles23 April 2020 at 17:59

    Hi Arantxa, here's my mark: 20/20 (although I'm not sure about one, because the answer still means the same but I didn't write the same).

    6. What translation has traditionally been given to the term " Gold Rush" in Spanish? What would be the literal translation of it?

    In Spanish we called it "Fiebre del Oro", but the literal translation is "Carrera del Oro" or "Carrera por el Oro".

    1. Well done , Lucia. Tell me about the one you are not sure about. I can help.

  9. Hi Arantxa I'm Lucía Paisal
    My mark was 17/20

    Question 5:
    Worldwide means "en todo el mundo" o "mundial". A synonym in English could be global or international.

    1. Hi Lucía number 5 has already been answered, Could you change yours? Thanks a lot

    2. Sorry I didn't know 5 was already answered.

      Question 7:
      Hit the headline means to appear in the news suddenly or receive a lot of attention in the news. In Spanish it could be "acaparar los titulares"

    3. Excellent explanation, Lucia! Thanks a lot!

  10. Hi Arantxa! I'm Alejandro Venegas Suárez from 1-B.
    My mark was 16/20.

    Question 8: There's plenty of books in the room.

  11. Hi Arantxa! My mark was 17/20
    17. "Back in 1848" I think it means "volviendo a al año 1848...", another meaning for back is "espalda"

    1. Hi! THanks for your answer.
      Number 17 has already been answered by Miriam, could you choose another question? Thanks a lot

  12. My mark is 12/20
    4.Messaging services help businnes and individuals transport important document,packages and other items.
    One of them is WhatsApp for example

    1. Hi, could you tell me your name, please?
      Messaging services refer to "digital communication services" not parcels or packages.
      Thanks for posting

  13. Hi Arantxa, I am Marta Medina and my mark was 16/20.
    I chose the quesrion eight: Can you use the word " plenty " in a sentence?
    There was a plenty room in this dark house

    1. Hi Marta! Thanks for your answer. Question 8, was already taken. Would you mind to choose another question? Thanks

  14. Hi Arantxa.
    I need to post my Mark too? I'm Daniela Hernández and I choose the question 13.
    The meaning of unlikely is something that is probably not going to happen.
    Ej: it's unlikely that I Will do something right.

  15. Hi Arantxa, I'm Daniela and muy Mark was 12/14

  16. hello Arantxa , I'm Maria Pinto. My mark was 12/20 because i didn't understand the first question.

    10. What is the meaning of "fake", can you use it in a sentence?

    Fake is the same as false.
    For example: Today i heard a fake new again.

  17. 16 / 20 haré la peregunta ¿Cómo traducirías "Allá en 1848"? ¿Hay algún otro significado de "atrás" que conozcas? Lo traduciría como back in 1848 y otra función se me ocurre draw back que significaría retirada o retirarse , perdón por tardar en mandar , pero la página no me cargaba y no tuve datos móviles hasta hoy

    1. No te preocupes, Ale.
      Pero la pregunta era en inglés para dar la traducción en español.
