Here is the rest of the content for the test. Remember you are having a test tomorrow Wednesday 22nd. on Phrasal verbs and verbs + prepositions. The content of the test is:
a) The selection of Phrasal verbs regarding Jobs
b) The selection of Phrasal verbs from yesterday's post ( the previous verbs are included on this post as well)
c) Todays review of verbs + prepositions.
If you prefer to study from your book. Go to lessons 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 and 131. You can aso practice with TEST V. Notice I am referring the lessons , not the pages, regarding students with a different book edition.
What do you have to do today? I am including a selection of the most common verbs + prepositions ( the combinations with "from", "for", "in", "of", "on", "to","with"), a basic explanation an online practice. Do all the self correcting exercises to review this selection.
Notice that I have been giving feedback to yesterday's post comments. Check your comment and pay attention to the feedback.
Be ready for tomorrow. You know you can do it! #wecandoit #staypositive 📑🏆🎉

Arantxa a que hora es la prueba?