Friday, 17 April 2020


Hi 1B Juniors!

How are you today? How about a song to end the week? I chose this easy nice and romantic song for you and some additional material to work the vocabulary. I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot of new words and phrases. Ready? Play!

Listen to this song by Ed Sheeran. Take your time in paying attention to the lyrics , do not read the lyrics the first time , just give your "ears" the opportunity to understand what you're listening to.

Listen again. Download the exercise with the lyrics of the song , and complete the fill in the blanks exercise.
Check the meaning of the words in the box that are unknown for you on an online dictionary.
READY FOR MORE VOCABULARY? (Don't send the song or post the results of the exercise, this is just for you)

WATCH THIS VIDEO BY "Eat, Sleep, Dream" on Ed Sheeran's song and answer the following questions. Post a comment on the blog with your answers by today.


1. What vocabulary is he explaining, make a list and search the meaning in Spanish? 
2. What phrasal verb with two meanings is he explaining? Can you use it in two different sentences with the two meanings he is explaining.
3. Use the following  words and expressions 
"against all odds"and "say something underneath your breath" on a sentence.
4. Use "gaze" (n), barefoot (adj) and "a mess" (n), in three different sentences that are true for you.

Try to sing the song at home, pay attention to pronunciation and stress . You can also learn some lines and sing them aloud.
 I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot!!  I hope to see your posts by Monday*. Have a wonderful weekend!
By monday * ( from today until Monday)


  1. Hey , I'm María Pinto from 1B (sorry i didn't see the blog before)

    1. to dive in: zambullirse
    follow sb's lead: seguir el ejemplo de alguien
    kids: niños
    to give sb up: dejar ir a alguien
    to hold sb's gaze: mantener la mirada a quien te esta mirando
    barefoot: descalzo
    a mess: un desastre
    to whisper: susurrar
    say sth under your breath: susurrar hiper bajo
    against all odds: improbable que tenga exito

    2. to give up:
    I need to give up smoking
    I don't wanna give you up

    3. "You'll get what's coming to you one of these days," she said under her breath.
    Against all odds, she managed to win the trophy.

    4. Yesterday i gazed at the stars.
    In my house i'm always barefoot.
    I'm a mess.

  2. Hi Arantxa, I know it´s late, but here are my answers.

    1. To dive in: "tirarse a la piscina", hacer algo con entusiasmo y sin pararse a pensarlo.

    2. Follow somebody's lead: hacer lo mismo que alguien, tomar ejemplo de alguien.

    3. Kids: niños, chicos.

    4. To give something up: Abandonar un hábito o actividad, dejar a una persona.

    5. To hold somebody's gaze: aguantarle la mirada a alguien.

    6. Barefoot: descalzo

    7. A mess: un desastre, ser un desastre, ir hecho un desastre.

    8. To whisper: susurrar.

    9. Against all odds: contra todas las posibilidades, algo poco probable o con muy pocas posibilidades de que suceda.

    - I won't give up studying.
    - I'll never give you up.
    - I always gaze through the window when it rains.
    - My mom is mad at me because I always walk barefoot around the house.
    - Sorry I didn't chech the blog before, Arantxa, I´m a mess.

  3. Hello Arantxa! I'm Alejandro Venegas Suárez from 1.B. Sorry I didn't saw the blog before :/

    These are my answers:

    1) To dive in: Sumergirse.
    2) Follow somebody's lead: Hacer lo mismo que alguien, seguir el rollo a alguien.
    3) Kids: Niños.
    4) To give something up: Abandonar una rutina, hábito, actividad, persona.
    5) To hold somebody's gaze: Mirar a alguien que te está mirando.
    6) Barefoot: Descalzo.
    7) A mess: Un desastre.
    8) To whisper: Susurrar.
    9) Against all odds: Poco probable, contra todas las posibilidades.

    ACT 2:
    Give up smoking, please. You will be better.
    I will give up on you becase you're toxic.

    ACT 3:
    Against the odds, I pass the test.
    She always talks underneath her breath.

    I hope he takes his gaze off me.
    When I was a child, I was barefoot all the time.
    When my bedroom isn't tidy, it is a mess.

  4. Hello Arantxa I´m Rocío Ruíz from 1*B. I'm sorry to do it days later, since you said that you upload tasks the days that we had English on Fridays we don't have, I didn't see it.sorry for the tardiness.

    There are my exercises:

    Ex 1:
    1) To dive in: Sumergirse / Zambullirse
    2) Follow somebody´s lead: Hacer lo mismo que alguien / Tomar ejemplo de alguien.
    3) Kids: Niños
    4) To give something up: Abandonar un habito / Dejar ir alguien.
    5) To hold somebody´s gaze: Aguantar la mirada a alguien / Mirar a alguien fijamente.
    6) Barefoot: Descalzo
    7) A mess: Un desastre
    8) To whisper: Susurrar.
    9) Against all odds: Algo poco probable / Muy pocas posibilidades

    * I won´t give up sutudying
    * I need to give up smoking
    * Against oll odds, she managed to win the tropthy,
    * In my house i´m always barefoot

  5. Hello Arantxa
    I'm Alexis, a 1ºB student ( i'm sorry I turned in the work late, not having looked at the blog, from now on I'll try to update your assignments) Here I give you my activities, better late than never...

    1- To dive in: sumergirse
    2-Follow somebody’s lead: Hacer lo mismo que alguien, seguirle el royo a alguien
    3-Kids: niños
    4-To give something up: Abandonar una rutina/ hábito/ persona
    5-To hold somebody’s gaze: mantener la mirada con alguien
    6-Barefoot: Descalzo
    7-A mess: un desastre
    8-To whisper: susurrar
    9-Against al odds: Poco probable/ con pocas posibilidades

    Give up smoking, please. You will be better. I will give up on you because you’re toxic


    Against the odds, I pass the test.
    She always talks underneath her breath.


    Yesterday i gazed at the stars.
    In my house i'm always barefoot.
    I'm a mess.
